Kaos no Kamisama

Freelance Artist

Feel free to check out my commissions info in the section above, and browse my art on any of the platforms linked below.And if you are feeling especially generous, you can help me out with a tip on Ko-fi.

Es. / En. / De.

Commission Info

Let's get in touch and talk a bit about what you've got in mind. Fan art, OCs... If it's within my reach and, of course, both parties are comfortable with the terms and kind of work, there should be no problem!I'm up to most kinds of ideas. Of course, there will be things I'm better at illustrating than other; and there will be things I'll just not do.For now I'm only offering digital illustrations.

Price Brackets

TypeBust1/2 BodyFull Body
Black & White$20~$25+$30~$35+$50~$65+
Full Color$35~$40+$45~$60+$70~$90+

All price brackets meant as reference and guide. The final price will be determined after discussing your ideas and will reflect the complexity of the piece, the eventual deadline, my workload, and other important factors.If what you want isn't on the list (chibis, reference sheets, etc.) feel free to contact me directly and we'll work it out!You can make yourself an idea of my work based on what's in my other platforms or in this little sample gallery.All prices are in US$. For international requests I only accept paymet via PayPal. For commission in Chile there are other options.


  • You can contact me on any of my platforms, but i'ts better if you do it directly per e-mail.

  • Tell me about your idea, send me the references, and let's work the commission's details and terms out.

  • Once we've agreed on the general idea, I'll send you a quote.

  • Normally I request that at least 1/2 of the payment must be done up front.

  • I'll start working on your piece as soon as possible after payment is confirmed.

  • Depending on the type of piece and what we agreed upon you'll have opportunities for feedback and to request changes on key stages of the illustration.

  • When the piece is finished, you'll get the final low-res preview to confirm the job's done.

  • After the final payment I'll send you the high-res file in the agreed upon format!

Please make sure to read the complete Terms & Conditions for my commissioned work carefully before requesting!

All the prices are valid for PERSONAL USE illustration only. If you're looking for COMMERCIAL WORK and/or copyright over the piece, contact me directly. Use of my work on A.I. platforms and/or databases is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.

Terms & Conditions

[Last update: 22.08.2023]


The following terms and conditions rule the agreement between the artist (I, KaosNoKamisama) and the client (you) in relation to the art commissions. By requesting, agreeing to, and/or submitting payment for an art commission, you aknowledge them and agree to comply with these terms.The Artist reserves the right to modify these terms & conditions, as well as any published prices at any time. Changes will take effect once published. Continued use of the Artist's services after such changes constitutes acceptance of the modified Terms.Regardless of the above, any terms, conditions, and agreements established between the artist and the client about a particular commission can't be modified without both parties consent.

General Terms

  • Request: Regardles of the way the client originally contacted the artist, the client may request an art commission by sending a message to the email address [email protected]. The request should include the general idea, and details such as a description of the desired illustration, type of art, size, theme, etc. The client should include pertinent references, written and/or visual.

  • I, the artist, reserve the right to accept or decline any request for whatever reason.

  • Quote & Payment: After discussing the client's request, I will provide the client with a quote based on the projected work and terms discussed. If the client accepts the proposal, the agreed upon forward payment has to be done before the artist starts working on the piece.

  • Factors aside from the illustration's content and format that can affect the terms and/or pricing include: deadlines, workload, ammount of pictures, absense of refference material, exclusivity rights, etc.

  • Progress and Approval: The artist will share progress updates with the client according to the agreed upon terms. The client has the opportunity to provide feedback and request modifications during certain stages of the process.

  • Any request for changes outside the scope and timing of the agreed upon feedback instances can produce aditional charges and/or the termination of the commission.

  • The client must approve the final work before delivery. The artist will provide the client with access to preview and work-in-progress files for this purpose.

  • The artist will inform the client of any setbacks or issues that could affect the agreed upon deadlines.

  • Final Delivery: Once the client approves the final work and makes the remaining payment, the artist will provide the art in the agreed-upon format. Any additional modifications after final approval may be subject to additional charges.

Rights, Copyrights & Permissions

  • The artist retains all intellectual property rights to the art, including copyright and reproduction rights.

  • The artist reserves the right to showcase the art in their portfolio, website, or social media for promotional purposes unless otherwise agreed upon in writing with the client.

  • Upon making full payment, the client receives a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the art for personal, non-commercial purposes. The client may not reproduce, distribute, or sell the art without explicit written consent from the artist.

  • The artist does not own the rights of the characters portrayed unless they were created or co-created by me.

  • By default, commissions are for personal use only. The client can’t use the image for commercial purposes.

  • Any use of the commissioned work in a context that will generate monetization by the client or an asociate party is considered commercial and must be informed and asociated terms agreed upon.

  • Personal/non-commercial uses include usage of the illustration as profile picture for social media or printing it for personal use. Modifications to the file and format such as cropping the image for banners or social media is acceptable. Modifications to the picture's content without the artist's consent are not allowed.

  • Any tampering or femoval of my signature or branding elements is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.

  • The artist retains all rights to the sketches, work-in-progress and other preview files shared with the client as part of the creative process. The client is only given access to these in the context of the development of the final piece and they are not allowed to be shared, modified or reproduced without explcit consent of the artist.

  • The client is not allowed to distribute or resell the art created as NFT or use it to promote crypto projects/services.

  • Using my art for A.I. is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN: no data set training, or applying A.I. filters.

  • If the client desires to use the art for commercial purposes, a commercial license has to be agreed upon and bought.

Cancellation & Refunds

  • Client Cancellation: If the client decides to cancel the commission before final delivery, the agreed upon forward payment is non-refundable. The artist retains all the rights to any work done up to that point.

  • Artist Cancellation: In case that the artist cannot complete the commission, a full refund will be provided to the Client.

  • In any case of cancellation, by the client or the artist, the cancelling party must inform the other in time via email.

Privacy and Data Management

  • Any personal information and private data provided by the client will be kept private unless explicitly agreed upon.

  • Any communication between the artist and client will be kept archived privately by the artist.

  • Both parties, the client and the artist, agree to treat any communication and personal information provided as private and not share it with third parties unless agreed otherwise or requested by law and/or dispute resolving instances.

  • The general description of the commission and any publicly avialable information regarding the illustration (descriptions of characters, places, etc.) are not considered private unless agreed othewise.